Our office does not provide Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluations. If the child has not had such an evaluation administered by a licensed Psychologist or School Psychologist within the past year, one may be requested at the time of the initial consultation. Evaluations of this type can provide critical background information and reveal the nature and degree of areas of concern, thus serving as a crucial basis for determining and implementing the intervention process.

After receiving all of the pertinent history, our office will schedule an appointment for a Brief Consultative Evaluation. This differs from the Comprehensive Psychoeducational Evaluation in that it is the next step in the process of developing the individualized prescriptive remediation program for the child.

The Brief Consultative Evaluation consists of a relatively limited number of assessment items administered in our office.  Its purpose is to obtain information about the existence of a discrete set of skills and performance characteristics in order to tailor a specific intervention program to the needs of the learner. All scores are reported in comparison with chronological peers and a brief written report is presented to the parents after a full discussion of the findings and recommendations. The time frame for this evaluation is generally 1.5 - 2.5 hours.

Procedural Steps in the Brief Consultative Evaluation process:

  1. 1.Initial Contact by Client

  2. 2.Appointment Scheduling

  3. 3.Transmittal of Pertinent Information

  4. 4.In-office Interview (parent/child)

  5. 5.Brief Consultative Evaluation

  6. 6.Brief Written Report

  7. 7.Follow-up Meeting (Discussion, Recommendations *)

  1. If the implementation of an instructional intervention program is determined by all parties to be in the best interest of the child, a schedule for standing appointments will be made at that time.